Saturday, 12 November 2011

Reflection #4

Well, due to circumstances beyond our control, our class was changed from its original format. We didn’t have access to the internet, so in true “teacher fashion” we improvised and changed things up a bit. We ended up having a very productive class. In a small group we (Kari, Adele and me) developed a one minute commercial trying to sell the ReelDirector app. This is a video editing app. We had to learn how to use the app, come up with an idea, plan it, create a script and then do the actual commercial. I certainly have a new respect for video/movie editors. Once you have the idea and script, it’s the editing that is by far the most time consuming. We were given a one minute time frame and that was tough to keep to. We just made the 60 second mark. Looking at this activity you can see students could be exposed to quite an array of skills. Literacy skills (and outcomes) they may use:
1. Discussing thoughts and feelings and considering others’ ideas.
2. Expressing and explaining opinions.
3. Adapting volume, projection, facial expression, gestures and tone of voice to the speaking occasion.
4. Engaging in a variety of oral presentations and other texts.
5. Making personal connections to texts and respond personally to a range of texts.
6. Using writing and other forms of representation to organize language and ideas.
7. Experimenting with technology in writing and other forms.
8. Using strategies needed to solve a variety of problems.
9. Ability to communicate ideas, perceptions and feelings.
10. Student collaboration
11. Sharing ideas through communication.
12. Script writing
13. Researching and exploration of ideas.