Today was our last class. The day was spent listening to all of our case studies. The presentations were excellent. We were asked to match technologies to a student (or students). There was a really nice range of grade levels and abilities, English programming and French Immersion. I really enjoyed seeing how other teachers organized their assignments not to mention the students they were discussing. Once again I was impressed with the resources out there and the amazing results that are coming from using them. (After seeing what Kari does with Raz Kids, I really want to try it with my class).
Many people found great success with Game Goo. I want so much for my student, Nick to use it. It’s interesting how a resource can be successful with some students and not with others. But, I will NOT give up on this one. My stubborn side is not ready to throw in the towel. I’ll give it another try after the holidays.
A point that came across today was the lack of support for assistive technology in our schools. Or maybe I should say there is an inconsistency of access to technology in our schools. Some schools have computer labs while others may not even have computers in their classrooms. Some computers work, some may not. Many teachers are unaware of what supports are available. And iPads? In some schools it’s merely on a lengthy wish list. Many of us recommended that we need more AT support for our students. But, there is also a definite lack of training. Inservicing and training, training, training!! Where is it? Why do we have to beg for it?
Well, this is my last post. I have really enjoyed this class. I have learned a great deal and am very pleased with the resources I have started to use. Until next time…